The Short Break Service provides one to one social and emotional support to children and young people, to enable them to develop friendships and access social and recreational opportunities at home or within their local community, whilst providing parents and carers with a regular short break.

It is a fun and exciting service providing individual support to children and young people with, complex disabilities & healthcare needs, autism and brain injury. 

*The criteria for admission and length of service is dependent upon the contracts we hold in these areas. 

What support is provided?

Short Breaks is delivered on a weekly or fortnightly basis and can take place within the family home or local community.

The service provides parents and carers with;
· A regular short break from care
· The opportunity for time to themselves to go shopping, meet friends, go to the hairdressers, have some well-earned rest or simply catch up on household tasks
· A consistent and reliable service delivered by individuals who they can trust to take care of their child and their child’s needs.
And provides children and young people with;
· The opportunity to have fun; take part in planned activities of their choice outside of the family environment or engage in interactive and sensory play within the family home
· The opportunity to meet new people, develop new friendships and to take part in social opportunities available within their local community

How to get involved:

The Short Break service is delivered in partnership with the 5 Health & Social Care Trusts across Northern Ireland and referral to the service comes solely from the Children’s Disability Team or other identified Health & Social Care representatives.
For more information about Short Break Services please call

T: 02890 461834 or 028 71 360136 


[email protected]


[email protected]

Cedar Foundation’s Short Break Service is regulated by the

Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA).

Employability and Community Inclusion offer goal-directed services that support participants to progress from the service when they have achieved their goals.