Our new Specialist Acquired Brain Injury Service, ARROW, was recently launched at an event held in Ballybot House Newry.   The event was attended by Cedar staff, service users and representatives from the Southern Health and Social Care Trust, who fund the service.

Speaking at the event, Lena Canavan Head of Specialist Services with Southern Health & Social Care Trust said, “we are delighted to be involved in the launch of the ARROW project and to see the partnership working between the Southern Trust and the voluntary sector coming together to provide a service which is coproduced by individuals with acquired brain injury who use it”.  ARROW project participant Carolyn Hughes shared her experience with the audience described what being involved in the service has meant to her.  The event finished with the showcase of a video produced to mark Action for Brain Injury Week, which this year runs from 16-22 May, highlighting the theme for the week ‘See the hidden me’ and the hidden effects of brain injury.

ARROW is a specialist brain injury service supporting people with Acquired Brain Injury across the Southern Health & Social Care Trust to connect with each other in their local community.

The ARROW Programme will;

invite service users to experience new activities

offer social inclusion and community involvement

develop the promotion of healthy and active lifestyle choices

support the overall health & wellbeing of people with acquired brain injury

create opportunities to make new friends

A co-produced timetable has been designed, describing the activities of the ARROW programme and we have User Groups meeting in;

Dungannon, Armagh, Portadown, Newry and Kilkeel

How to become involved:

The ARROW Programme is available in the Southern HSCT for adults 18+ with an acquired brain injury. Application to the service is dependent upon written confirmation of an acquired brain injury

For more information and to apply please contact us at:

Norma Philips, Service Manager

T: 07824 580222 Email: [email protected]