The Mews is a Supported Living Service consisting of 12 single occupancy apartments and cares for and supports individuals with learning disabilities, Autism and/or complex needs. 

The Service operates under the Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) Framework and provides 24hr care and support. All referrals to the service are through the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust.

                   Service user sitting holding a yellow lizard and smiling. Service user sitting in sunshine at a stadium giving a thumbs up. Service user standing at a sign at the start of a hiking trail. 


Contact Details

Acting Registered Manager: Tanya Todd

E: [email protected]

T: 02890 611014

Registered Office: The Mews,143A Glen Road, West Belfast, BT11 8FU 

The Mews Supported Living Service is registered with and subject to regulation by the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (The Domiciliary Care Agencies Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007. 

Cedar Foundation’s Living Options are regulated by the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA).