Hillmount Close and Hillmount Court were designed to provide services for people who have high Supported Living needs and who wish to live independently with an enhanced quality of life. Current service users include people with physical disability, brain injury and both cognitive and sensory impairment.

There are seven apartments in Hillmount Close and five bungalows in Hillmount Court most of which are  adapted with aspects of SMART technology to assist you with daily living and all of which are designed for single occupancy.


Selection and Allocation

Applicants for Supported Housing at Hillmount will only be considered from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive's Complex Needs List.

Applicants must be referred via their local Health and Social Care Trust.

A joint selection and allocation panel will be held to consider all submitted applications when a vacancy arises. Panel members include appropriate representatives from Habinteg Housing Association, Northern Ireland Housing Executive, the applicants Health and Social Care Trust and the Cedar Foundation scheme Manager.

Contact Details

Registered Manager: Michelle Porter

E: [email protected]

T: 02890 667102

Registered Office: Supported Living, Hillmount, Flat7, Hillmount Close, 104 Finaghy Road South, Belfast, BT10 0DE

Hillmount Supported Living Service is registered with and subject to regulation by the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (The Domiciliary Care Agencies Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007.