Clair has over 20 years’ experience of managing services that support people with disability, brain injury and autism and their Carers.  She was a Service Manager in Cedar between 2007-2018 managing and developing various regional community inclusion services for children, young people and adults with a disability, brain injury and or autism.  From 2018 to 2021 Clair was Co-Head of Organisational Development & User Engagement, this included responsibility for the Regional User Forum and the development of a Coproduction Strategy in the organisation.  In October 2021 Clair took up post as Head of Community Inclusion Services in Cedar with responsibility for Short Break, Transition, Youth Matters, specialist autism services Right 4 U 😊 and Inclusion Matters services.  Clair holds a BA Hons in Business Administration, a QCF Level 5 in Management of Health & Social Care and Coaching and Mentoring ILM Level 5.

Clair represents Cedar on the Board of Governors for Mitchell House School.