Sam has managed to overcome his own personal lockdown since taking part in the Cedar Foundation’s Inclusion Works service.

Imagine living every day of your life in isolation…The effects of brain injury, such as problems with memory, information processing, or speech, compounded by a lack of understanding of this often-hidden disability, can leave survivors lacking the confidence to interact with society.


“It is amazing to think that a year ago this week I was made redundant because of Covid and now I have a paid job that I really enjoy”.

Sam was referred to Cedar by the SHSCT Acquired Brain Injury Rehabilitation team and was supported to return to South West College to complete an apprenticeship in electrical engineering.  Even though he had to adjust to new study methods, as well as changing his routine and study technique, Sam progressed very well.  At work he changed his job role to reduce physical risks, including working at a height, and to enable him to overcome challenges such as memory, planning and organising.  Sam undertook one-to-one Cedar in-house Employability skills training and achieved OCR qualifications to assist him with his apprenticeship. 

Sam was making excellent progress when the Covid pandemic struck.  As a result, he was furloughed from his job but continued his studies and successfully completed his second year at college, including his final exams. He adapted to new ways of learning at home including video classes and using the 'Blackboard' learning tool.

Sam made use of the time to support his family at home, helping around the house and maintaining the upkeep of both his own home and his Grandfather's farm.  He used this period to invest in, and to rear six young calves of his own and has since increased his stock. 

This has been an incredibly hectic and productive time for Sam, and although he had many responsibilities he successfully followed a daily routine to help him best manage the lockdown, while aiding his mental health.

Sam also had to adjust to new ways of meeting with Cedar, to continue to work towards his goals. Due to Sam being furloughed by his employer, his goals changed. He undertook further employability skills training with his keyworker, including job search and interview skills.  He was very proactive in his job search, and only a month after being made redundant he successfully secured a full-time paid job with Capper Trading.

Sam explains

“I was never down but times were difficult, now since my accident things have fallen into place.  It was through working with Cedar and using their support that has enabled me to succeed in my goals and kept me motivated, especially when I was finding things hard”.

Kieran (Key worker)

“It is a reflection on Sam’s dedication that he was so motivated, forward-thinking and worked extremely hard during such a difficult and unprecedented period.  Sam has always maintained a positive attitude throughout his time with Cedar, however during the Covid pandemic he has admirably displayed immense resilience.”

For further information about Cedar’s Inclusion Works service visit: 
Email: [email protected]