Karuna Home

Karuna residents are celebrating their very own winter wonderland ball. 

Residents families have been invited to come for a “socially distanced visit in style” with professional photographer capturing precious memories. 

Residents have had the red carpet and VIP treatment which started with 







  • make-up
  • hair 
  • glitzy outfits
  • personalised coat hangers
  • mince pie and sholer/fizz reception 
  • professional photo shoot
  • personal handmade corsage
  • personalised champagne flutes on handmade Christmas tree stand
  • personalised place settings
  • 3 course meal from wee bistro 
  • disco
  • awards ceremony 
  • winter wonderland decor including centre pieces and flower arrangements

With Thanks to:

Sport n Sound Ballyclare for donation of 10 awards 
Al-Sanity circuits for donation of crackers and Shloer
Montgomery Family for donation in memory of Sylvia Montgomery 
Ruth Smyth donation of money raised by ballot
Lets get personal for personalised gifts for residents and decorations
Avon reps for supplying makeup samples 
Monkstown Baptist church for loan of tables
Julie and Ryan Photography 
Caragh Isla Photography 
Karuna staff for making the event a success


The Transitions Team hosted a Christmas Quiz this week on Zoom.
Our two new members of the team Tara and Gemma were introduced to 8 of the young people who are currently accessing the Transitions Service across the Belfast and South Eastern Trust areas.
The team challenged the young people with 5 Christmas themed rounds! We had a General Knowledge Round, a Guess The Christmas Song Round, A Scavenger Hunt where we asked the young people to find 5 items from around their homes including 2020's most in demand item.... a toilet roll, Guess the Logo Round and an Observation Round where we asked some questions based on a clip from Elf.
Image preview
Fun was had by all but the boys came out on top With Noel, Emmet and Bailey scoring 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.
Merry Christmas!

Youth Matters

Youth Matters activities have recently moved back online. The team has been working closely with Ann from 'Mindfit Kids & Teens' who has been running mindfulness & meditation sessions on the dedicated Youth Matters Facebook page. The member page hosts activities for Youth Matters, Transitions, Short Breaks, and Right4U:) service users
Ann ran a Christmas session for the young service users last week to help focus on centred breathing. Ann is running more sessions like this online and in-person in the new year. If families are interested in getting involved they can contact their local Youth Matters staff member or email [email protected]. Don't worry If mindfulness isn't your cup of tea there are also sports sessions, arts and crafts and cookery - to suit all tastes.

Short Breaks

A young service user from the Southern Health and Social Care Trust area has been busy Christmas crafting in the run-up to the big day - creating a spectacular star snowflake, cards, figurines and solving a few festive puzzles too.  We are loving his work as he gets us into a Christmassy mood. 
Southern Health and Social Care Trust
The Mews - Supported Living Services
The Mews has been spreading some Christmas Cheer by thinking of others and by responding in a very practical way.  Anne-Marie and her Support Assistant Danielle had the idea of helping the homeless by gathering a range of essential donations for a happier Christmas this year. 
They collected supplies for the food bank and toys for children staying at family hostels.  Collectively they also sourced clothes and filled shoe boxes with essentials: gloves, socks, shower gel, toothpaste, face clothes deodorant, female sanitary products, face and hand wipes, tissues and some sweet treats for hostel dwellers.
The Mews held a 'PJ top to work day' to raise money to buy some of these supplies and they got plenty of generous donations from staff, family and friends.  Well done to Anne-Marie and Danielle for organising it all and for everyone involved in making it a better Christmas for local families.

Inclusion Matters - photography

The Inclusion Matters service users have formed a photography group thanks to a staff collaboration from different Trust areas. (Northern Health and Social Care Trust, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust, & Western Health and Social Care Trust, Southern sector). Service users from across NI have been connecting via WhatsApp. Each week there is a new theme, eg pets, interior décor, light, a photo scavenger hunt, and Christmas. Service users have then been asked to take a photo related to the theme and to post this onto the WhatsApp group with some fantastic results.

The Inclusion Works LD team hosted their Christmas Celebration Event online this year. There was lots of laughter during their scavenger hunt and check out the costumes! Everyone made such a great effort.

The team want to send a special thank you to Ryan who entertained us with his guitar and singing talents. Not only performing some Nathan Carter, and Christmas classics we could all join in, sing along and dance to, Ryan also showcased original Christmas songs he wrote!!!

The team want to wish all the IW participants a very merry Christmas. In a year that gave uncertainty the participants have shown true resilience and positivity throughout. 

We look forward to continuing to support and work with you all in the New Year.