Recently, a retirement event was held to mark the contribution of Executive Board member Peter Gay. Peter has been engaging with Cedar since 1987 and has been active with the Executive Board for over 30 years, holding Honorary positions, with eight years as Chair of the Board and a further six years as Vice Chair.

Cedar Chief Executive, Elaine Armstrong, said:

“My first engagement with Peter was in his work to evaluate the first pilot service for Adults with Brain Injury back in 1996 – 1998. He supported us in measuring the impact of this work and provided the foundation for taking it forward. I also have had experience as a member of staff, when Peter attended many visits to Cedar premises or events by coming along to show his support and genuine interest in the work of the organisation.”

During Peter’s time as Chairperson and subsequently Vice Chair, business that had been discussed, supported and delivered included: Cedar’s Quality Award journey with EFQM, achieving Investors in People through to IiP Platinum status, the European Research projects for Assistive Technologies with brain-computer interface work (Brain, BackHome, AIDE). Other highlights included the start of the Autism Specialist services, development of the regional Brain Injury services and key developments in Living Options to new premises, refurbished premises and revised models of practice to ensure the best possible living experience for our service users.

Peter worked closely alongside Cedar’s previous CEO Stephen Mathews and DCEO Elieen Thomson. At the event Eileen spoke of his commitment to good governance and mentorship over many years.

Cedar’s current Chairperson, Maurice Mulvenna, also spoke of Peter’s valued support as he took up the role and how his knowledge and mentoring was greatly appreciated.

“Everyone at Cedar would like to acknowledge our sincere thanks for the very significant contribution Peter made to the work of the organisation in giving so generously of his time and expertise and offers the best of wishes for his retirement.”