Due to the existing challenges that parents can face, especially during times of transition and change, the Transitions Team organised an online parent wellbeing workshop to help target this area of need. The Transitions Team worked in partnership with Action Mental Health who were able to facilitate the Mindset Programme for the parents.

Hugh Roarty, Action Mental Health, delivered the virtual sessions via Zoom over two evenings with ten parents and two cedar staff members attending.

The sessions consisted of group discussion, media content, quizzes and working together activities co-ordinated through the use of breakout rooms.

Earth wrapped in WMHD green ribbon.Throughout the session the parents focused on,

· Feeling more comfortable with the topic of mental health and wellbeing

· Breaking the stigma/ talking about mental health and wellbeing more

· Learning how to look after themselves through self-care

· Sources of support available

· How to support someone if they need help

At the end of the final session the parents said that they found the workshop to be very useful and enjoyable. With special thanks given to the organisers and the Action Mental Health facilitator.

Transitions is a specialist holistic service that improves a young person’s transition readiness, when leaving school to secure socially inclusive and sustainable outcomes in their local communities.  Cedar will provide a regional Transition Service that fully involves young people and their families to make decisions about their life after school, with regard to;

· Education & Work
· Community Inclusion
· Health & Wellbeing

To find out more visit our dedicated page.

Stills from presentation in four boxes with smal boxes showing attendee faces.