National co-production week runs from the 4th to the 9th July to celebrate this we held an event in Balmoral to launch our co-production strategy. Co-Production in its’ simplest essence, to co-produce is to make something together. Co-production is not just a word, it’s not a concept, it is a meeting of minds coming together to find shared solutions.  (SCIE Social care institute for excellence)

Image shows a 3x3 tile of people speaking at the event, the audience listening and guests chatting.

Cedar services focus on Opportunity, Choice and Inclusion.

We aim to enable meaningful and productive partnerships between people to design, deliver and improve services that have a positive impact for people with disability.

During the event we welcomed members of our executive committee, our senior management team, our User forum Chairpersons, staff and service users to our Balmoral Training and Resource Centre. 

Co-production lead Margaret Cameron discussed our new strategy:

"In developing the plan we consulted widely with our staff, service users and funders. They supported us in reaffirming what our vision reflects, what we are aiming to achieve and what is important for disabled children, adults and their families across Northern Ireland."

We also heard from our User Forum, Vice regional Chair about the work that the forum does and our regional facilitator about the work that she has been involved with over the years.

Our Youth and Parent Action teams each delivered a message about the benefits of working collaboratively which you can find here:

Finally, Cedar’s CEO Elaine Armstrong had a message of thanks to all those who have contributed to the development of the coproduction work in Cedar to date. We look forward to continual engagement with our service users and to co-production at levels within Cedar service user, organisational and strategic levels.