Cedar is hosting a number of events for this year's ABI Week 2024 with the theme A Life Rewritten. At our Balmoral site service users and staff celebrated Brain Injury Week at Cedar Balmoral with a premier viewing of artwork embracing the theme of A life Re-Written. Kieran Molloy, Cedar’s Head of Employability Services, opened the event and welcomed attendees. Guests included service users, carers, Cedar’s Regional User Forum Facilitator Claire Ward, Chair of Cedar’s Executive Committee Myrna Evans, Honorary Treasurer Micheal Williamson and special guests Lisa Rubbins Clinical Psychologist and Claire Burnside (OT)  from the Southeastern Trust, who regularly work in partnership with Cedar to provide a holistic person centred approach to delivery of quality services.


Lisa Rubbins said:


“In partnership with Cedar the Southeastern Trust is delighted to celebrate, reflect and acknowledge the journey to a new chapter in life after Brain Injury.”                  

The artwork, created by groups from Cedar's ABI Choices Belfast, Inclusion Works Belfast and Inclusion Works Southeastern services offer a unique and creative insight into the impact of strategies used to re-write the story of a life impacted by brain injury. Each group was available to explain the art pieces and discuss the mixed media methods through which they were created. Attendees also watched a recording of Bobby McNeill as he told his journey to recovery and explained how every day is a learning day.


Service Manager Roisin Barrett closed the event by thanking all those involved. The event concluded with a celebratory lunch and cake with Service Users taking away a gift bag to further support them in their journey.

Image shows Kieran Molly opening the art event and a collage of service users and staff posing beside art.

Image shows service users and guests sitting in audience talking. posing in front of a Life Re-Written sign.