This year the theme for the week is A life Re-written The campaign explores identity after brain injury and tells the stories of brain injury survivors who have successfully rebuilt their lives.

On 22/05/24 Cedar’s Western Inclusion Works and ABI choices services hosted a coffee morning and mini-Information hub at the Springtown Office site. Past and present Brain Injury participants, their friends & family members, Cedar staff, a number of local employers and a range of local support organisations attended.

Inclusion Works participant John Chambers spoke about his life following his brain injury and how Cedar has supported him to overcome the challenges he has faced so that he could commence a university degree. He has recently received an award at Dublin Film Festival for his short film submission.


He said:

“Art was a way to refresh myself and regain my confidence and self-esteem in the craft that I was stopped from doing for so long. Due to the difficulties of having an acquired brain injury with chronic pain and memory issues, simply applying for University would’ve been impossible without the support I had from Cedar.”


Another Inclusion Works participant Jackie spoke about her participation in the symbolic affirmation tree project for today’s event.


Jackie explained:


“The wood is from the original tree and made whole again, but in a different way.

Just like survivors after Brain Injury – rebuilding their “NEW” SELVES.

We can cover the scars and the hurts and add new colour and create our new personalities.

We can become something unique, different, and beautiful.

Life is a constant change, like the seasons.

We have to move and bend to fit in again, but we must always look for the POSITIVES and be thankful.”



The event concluded with participants, families & Cedar staff finding out some information on valuable local services such as Aware NI, Easilink Community transport, NW Volunteers, ASK NI, WHSCT Carers Hub. A wonderful lunch provided by Morans caterers.

Large group at Springtown smiling at camera in front of Life Re-Written sign.