Hi all,

Firstly, I would like to add my thanks to all those who helped us mark Stephen’s 30 years of service in Cedar & his retirement farewell.

I’m delighted to start off my role with some great news - we have achieved We invest in people platinum accreditation!


I want to thank you for your contribution and dedication because this is a great achievement for all of us to share.

Only 2% of organisations achieve Platinum status.  We also ranked no. 1 in the UK for organisations of our size in the social care sector – a huge achievement!  It means that every single person is involved in supporting each other and is doing their best to make work better.  It sets Cedar apart as a quality organisation.

The accreditation process is a great opportunity for you to have your say, facilitated by an independent, external assessor.  Our assessor, Stephanie reported things like People said they are guided by the needs of service users, bringing commitment, integrity and energy to everything they do.”

We also have the opportunity to learn from what you told us.  Stephanie, has given some recommendations so that we can keep making positive changes, keep improving and ensure Cedar remains a great place to work.

This year is an important one – as we mark our 80th year and are launching our new Strategic Plan to set out what we want to achieve in the next 5 years.  This reflects feedback from all of you, our service users and partners.

I plan to do a short staff meeting by zoom on Wednesday 13th October at 11am to launch our new Strategy and showcase a special video we had commissioned to celebrate our 80th anniversary.

Joining details to follow shortly.

Best regards,


Elaine Armstrong CPsychol

Chief Executive Officer