Action for Brain Injury Week (ABI Week) takes place 15th to 21st May 2023.

Cedar is proud to be part of a collective of local charities referred to as the Acquired Brain Injury Working Group composed of organisations who provide services to children, adults, and their families across Northern Ireland. The partnership includes Brain Injury Matters, Child Brain Injury Trust and Headway UK, and Cedar Foundation in partnership with the Department of Health and Strategic Performance Planning Group highlight that ‘Every 90 seconds’, someone in the UK is admitted to hospital with a brain injury. Many more are living with the long-term effects. We asked that you ‘Take a Second’ and become Acquired Brain Injury Aware.


ABI Week seeks to raise awareness of the effects of acquired brain injury and how it only ‘takes a second’ for a life to be completely knocked off course. Our approach is to raise awareness of brain injury, its effects, and the impact that Cedar services have in supporting people living with acquired brain injury.

Our theme focusses on raising awareness of acquired brain injury, its effects, and the support needs of those living with brain injury and their families.

Each day of the week we will showcase ‘90 seconds’ of service user experience on our media channels to highlight ABI through the lens of employment, training, skills, social inclusion, and volunteering.

The key takeaways from this year’s theme are Every 90 Seconds someone is affected by brain injury and Take a Second to find out more at