The ‘Personal Effectiveness After Brain Injury’ specialist training supports service users to understand the impact of brain injury and learn compensatory strategies in the safety of a group setting, to test and learn how to cope with the challenges of life after a brain injury.

Participants on the Cedar Foundation’s PEABI training course with Inclusion Works, South Eastern, have provided some valuable feedback and insights as to how the course has helped them to cope and overcome the limitations of life after a brain injury during the lockdown.  Here's what they had to say...


“ I really enjoyed meeting other people with a brain injury and learning from them and how they cope. It has really helped me to better understand myself and my brain injury.”

 “I thoroughly enjoy our PEABI Zoom sessions as it gives me a chance to interact with other people who are in similar circumstances to myself. It also helps to relieve the monotony of lockdown as I don’t have the opportunity to meet other people at present.   I would like to thank the Cedar Foundation for providing this service as I do think it is beneficial to my recovery.”

 “It’s good to speak with other people with brain injuries as they understand exactly the problems in life with a Traumatic Brain Injury. I found it good on Zoom as during lockdown it was helpful to have a routine to attend PEABI every Monday. Having people to talk to facing the same problems made me feel comfortable and in some way normal. It's helped with my confidence, as before I was scared to speak about brain injuries as other people wouldn't understand. Now I've found people on this group that face the same issues like myself, and it's easy to speak about it as they go through similar experiences “

“During lockdown PEABI was a fantastic opportunity to talk to others who have a brain injury. You learn from them and also you learn yourself”

“Cedar Inclusion Works service has been life-saving. Without Cedar during lockdown I don’t know what my mental health would have been like. The Zoom sessions provided some fun which was essential at a time of such doom and gloom.”

For further information about Cedar’s Inclusion Works service visit EmaiI: [email protected]