Inclusion works

Inclusion Works headed to Gosford Forest Park in Markethill, Co. Armagh for a taster session in All Out Trekking as part of the ABC Council LEAP programme. The event was hosted by Disability Sports NI.

The LEAP Project has several strands including:  

Health & Fitness

Personal Development

Social Citizenship

Employments skills & Training

Work Placements


The All Out Trekking project is operated by Disability Sport Northern Ireland, in partnership with ABC council and provides an inclusive opportunity for people with a disability to access the countryside alongside their family/friends, through the provision of electric all-terrain buggies based at Gosford Forest Park.
The equipment was funded by Department for Communities and Sport NI.
This project is the first of its kind in the United Kingdom and Ireland using the Terrain Hopper and Quadrix 4 wheeled electric powered all-terrain buggies.
These buggies are suitable for non disabled people as well as people with a disability, those with long term health conditions or restricted mobility to access the walking & mountain bike trails at Gosford Forest Park.

Service users and staff with mixed abilities (and ages!) used the Trek and all agreed it was great fun!
 James one of our Inclusive Works service users had a go and thought it was brilliant.