Image shows Thomas standing tool workshop wearing apron. Looking at camera and smiling.
Thomas joined InclUSion Matters programme in April 2022 and has been attending the Tools For Solidarity workshop in Belfast. Tools For Solidarity is a not-for-profit organisation in Belfast. It is fully run by international, local and supported volunteers. 
The main focus of the charity is to support artisans in the poorest parts of the world. Thomas is currently crafting leather pouches for recipients to store tools. These pouches are immensely important for protecting the tool items.
Thomas' manager said:
"Thomas is an extremely enthusiastic member of the team. He remains focused on the task in hand and determined at all times to give his best."
The role provides an opportunity for Thomas to work with his hands and be creative. He explained he enjoys attending Tools for Solidarity and aims to further his crafting skills. 
Through Inclusion Matters Thomas has also reached his goals of improving his fitness levels by joining the gym and attending swimming. He said he would "totally recommend" the Inclusion Matters programme to others.  

What is Inclusion Matters?

InclUSion Matters supports people with disabilities, especially those who experience isolation, to build new social networks within their local communities. The service is focused on encouraging peer support and enabling user-led networking to help participants become involved in social, leisure and recreational opportunities within their local area.